Melbourne High Surf Team BASH for CASH a Whopping Success
The entire surfing community of Central Florida came out to the NEW Sebastian Inlet Surf and Sport, located at 8898 Highway A1A on Saturday, Dec. 3 to support the Melbourne High School Surf team. The surf team held the (first annual?) BASH for CASH to raise money for what they hope will be a trip […]

The entire surfing community of Central Florida came out to the NEW Sebastian Inlet Surf and Sport, located at 8898 Highway A1A on Saturday, Dec. 3 to support the Melbourne High School Surf team. The surf team held the (first annual?) BASH for CASH to raise money for what they hope will be a trip to the NSSA National Competition in California in the Spring of 2012. Over 100 attendees helped to raise over a grand in cash through donations, silent auction bidding, entrance …
Melbourne High Surf Team BASH for CASH a Whopping Success
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