Prepare To Engage

Preparations are underway for the inaugural 2012 Emergency Services Games Known as “Guns and Hoses” which denotes a glorious battle between Fire fighters and Police Officers in Australia.
Police and Fire Emergency Games: Guns and Hoses
Proposed Date: October 2012 Rottnest Island
In the community Police and Fire-fighters are a united force, however, in the theatre of sports, the rivalry between these two is fierce and unrelenting. Emergency Services Personnel Surfers from all over Australia are expected converge on Rottnest Island Western Australia to contest the titles of National Divisional Champions and National Team Champions.
Guns and Hoses will consist of Short boards, Long boards, Kneeboards, Body Boards, Stand Up Paddle Boards (SUP’s) and a single-fin division. It is anticipated that this contest will be open Nationally to Fire fighters, Police Officers and support staff. In addition to the individual titles, there will also be a surf tag event to decide which team is crowned National Champions. Individual events will see a mix of Fire fighters and Police Officers contesting for titles in their respective age divisions and then break into a National Police Team and a National Fire-fighter team to contest the Team Surf Tag.
The event will be run by Australia’s Peak Surfing Authority – Surfing Australia under the direction of Surfing Western Australia.This event will go off, and spectators will be afforded the experience of seeing these two “Responsible, professional, highly trained and disciplined” emergency responders in battle for the honour of their respective Organizations.
The Five-O or Fire-ies, choose a side.
Details are yet to be confirmed and may be subject to change, though we will update you as information is received.
If you are interested in sponsoring or supporting this event in some way please contact Surfing WA on 9448 0028 and ask for the events co-ordinator.
Or visit their website at
Cartoon: Dean Alston
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