The Digital Encyclopedia of Surfing by Matt Warshaw
The legacy of surfing is secure. Matt Warshaw, the surfer/writer who believed and published the famous “Encyclopedia of Surfing” is putting the finishing touches in the digital version of the book. The project has been funded by the planetary surfing community – through Kickstarter – and promises to be the most complete collection of stories, […]

The legacy of surfing is secure. Matt Warshaw, the surfer/writer who believed and published the famous “Encyclopedia of Surfing” is putting the finishing touches in the digital version of the book. The project has been funded by the planetary surfing community – through Kickstarter – and promises to be the most complete collection of stories, facts, photos and videos of the history of surfing. The digital Encyclopedia of Surfing involves tons of work, research and verification. Warshaw and Justin Housman are managing the entire information and building a solid website, in which surfers will have the opportunity to browse and learn more about past surfers, surfboards and contests. The good side of the web version is the possibility of constant updates and corrections. Web surfers can easily search for thousands of written entries and media.
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The Digital Encyclopedia of Surfing by Matt Warshaw
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