Strong Finish
The Western Australia State Surfing Team was treated to an address by the legendary Ian Cairns recently during the National Surf Masters Titles at Port Macquarie. The address was presented during an evening barbecue hosted by Western Australia’s Team Coach, Tim Thirsk of Surfing WA.
The evening before the Surf Masters finals commenced, Ian Cairns addressed the team sharing some of his invaluable experience and providing an insight into what is required to impress the judges at the contest in Port Macquarie.
Firstly Ian Cairns stated that taking time to assess the new surf breaks encountered was paramount to acquiring an appreciation of the geography and dynamic of each location. Watching currents, rips, wave behaviour, and positioning was crucial to placing yourself in the best possible position to select the best waves on offer. This is why it was important to attend each day and remain for the duration of the contest. This illustrates how a surf break can change throughout the day.
Next, he stated that wave selection was vital to win your heats. A small or fickle wave may provide little in terms of radical manoeuvres in the critical section of those waves and even though a surfer makes the most of what’s on offer, the surfer who selects a larger wave with more face to work with will always emerge victorious (the larger, the more critical, and diverse or progressive the manoeuvres are, the more points will be awarded). These waves are usually found out the back and behind the impact zone.
And to close Mr Cairns stated that Judges would be looking for a strong finish. That is to say that when a surfer completes a ride, it must be deliberate, controlled and well executed meaning that the surfer finishes off with a manoeuvre.
These points were well received and we’re sure that these learnings will remain permanently entrenched in the minds of all who attended.
Epic Surf would like to extend its appreciation to Ian Cairns, for taking the time to share his knowledge and to recognize his contribution to the sport of Surfing and to Mr. Tim Thirsk, Surfing Western Australia (surfingwa.com.au) and Surfing Australia.
Thanks to Mr Tim Thirsk for the images and Surfing WA.
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