Mavericks roars to life, Big Wave Tour says no-go
How can a sharky, cold water environment attract so many people? It’s because of the waves, they say. Mavericks is what surfers like to call a “wave of consequence.” Northern California’s notorious slab has created a few myths, but has also taken a few surfers’ lives as well. The jewel of Half Moon Bay is […]

How can a sharky, cold water environment attract so many people? It’s because of the waves, they say. Mavericks is what surfers like to call a “wave of consequence.” Northern California’s notorious slab has created a few myths, but has also taken a few surfers’ lives as well. The jewel of Half Moon Bay is now part of the official competitive big wave calendar. Unfortunately, because of its wildly swinging mood, Mavericks rarely gets perfect to welcome professional surfers.
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Mavericks roars to life, Big Wave Tour says no-go
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