Washington’s Chelan County is building the world’s largest deep-water stationary wave
Citywave announced the construction of the world’s largest stationary wave. The investment is expected to reach around $5 million. The German artificial wave designers will install a 52.5-foot (16 meters) wide, deep-water stationary wave in Lakeside Surf, a surf park located in Chelan, Washington, USA. According to the Citywave, the new facility will be the […]

Citywave announced the construction of the world’s largest stationary wave. The investment is expected to reach around $5 million. The German artificial wave designers will install a 52.5-foot (16 meters) wide, deep-water stationary wave in Lakeside Surf, a surf park located in Chelan, Washington, USA. According to the Citywave, the new facility will be the first deep-water stationary wave in the United States and will open to the general public during summer 2019.
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Washington’s Chelan County is building the world’s largest deep-water stationary wave
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