What it is like to surf in Toronto
Between November and June, the average water temperature in Lake Ontario is below (50°F (10°C). Waves are rare around here, and the wind is often extremely cold. Can you imagine being a surfer in these conditions? Larry Cavero grew up and surfed his entire life in Peru, before moving to Brampton, near Toronto, and starting […]

Between November and June, the average water temperature in Lake Ontario is below (50°F (10°C). Waves are rare around here, and the wind is often extremely cold. Can you imagine being a surfer in these conditions? Larry Cavero grew up and surfed his entire life in Peru, before moving to Brampton, near Toronto, and starting a family. Peru has great waves; Canada is not your classic surf destination. The problem is that Toronto (almost) doesn’t get ocean swells. Cavero and many other Canadian surfers depend on wind swells to get waves. But that doesn’t mean you should not own a surfboard.
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What it is like to surf in Toronto
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