When should a professional surfer retire?
The career of professional athletes is relatively short, especially when compared with those who have “regular” nine-to-six jobs. But what happens in surfing? On average, a surfer starts his or her professional career at between 14 and 18 and hangs the leash around 35. Nevertheless, we’ve athletes reaching their peak of performance around 35 or […]

The career of professional athletes is relatively short, especially when compared with those who have “regular” nine-to-six jobs. But what happens in surfing? On average, a surfer starts his or her professional career at between 14 and 18 and hangs the leash around 35. Nevertheless, we’ve athletes reaching their peak of performance around 35 or 40. In the future, as we’ve seen with Kelly Slater and Mike Stewart, healthy food and drink habits and an adequate fitness and training plans will likely extend pro surfing careers to the age of 50.
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When should a professional surfer retire?
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