Why should you regularly remove surf wax?
The most important thing in surfing is the grip. Without it you couldn’t turn, stand, sit or shred on your surfboard. However, after days, weeks or months of surfing wax begins to weaken. Many people outside of the surfing world don’t know what surfboard wax is or what it is for. If they had to […]

The most important thing in surfing is the grip. Without it you couldn’t turn, stand, sit or shred on your surfboard. However, after days, weeks or months of surfing wax begins to weaken. Many people outside of the surfing world don’t know what surfboard wax is or what it is for. If they had to guess they might get lucky. However, understanding the basics of a good wax job and why it is necessary to remove may take years of experience or dedicated research. A large number of surfers wax their boards before every surf session. A few times they paddle out and forget to, but quickly realize something isn’t right. When your chest rests on the board with little wax, you will slip off and have a hard time paddling out, especially in rough water.
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Why should you regularly remove surf wax?
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