Lightning strike kills Brazilian surfing hope

Luzimara Souza, 23, died after lightning struck the water where she was surfing in Fortaleza, Brazil. The young surfer paddled out at Leste-Oeste Beach on a rainy and cloudy day and, she was hit by lightning moments after weather conditions worsened. Two men immediately rushed to help Luzimara Souza, but the Brazilian was already unconscious […]

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Luzimara Souza, 23, died after lightning struck the water where she was surfing in Fortaleza, Brazil. The young surfer paddled out at Leste-Oeste Beach on a rainy and cloudy day and, she was hit by lightning moments after weather conditions worsened. Two men immediately rushed to help Luzimara Souza, but the Brazilian was already unconscious when she was pulled out of the water and back to the beach.

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Lightning strike kills Brazilian surfing hope

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