15 superfruits every surfer should eat
What can superfruits do for surfers? What makes it a superfruit? How will they helps perform better? Why should you eat five to nine portions of fruit a day? Scientists and doctors often say that “superfruit” is a marketing term invented to sell food products which contain fruits with “superpowers.” In other words, superfruits are […]

What can superfruits do for surfers? What makes it a superfruit? How will they helps perform better? Why should you eat five to nine portions of fruit a day? Scientists and doctors often say that “superfruit” is a marketing term invented to sell food products which contain fruits with “superpowers.” In other words, superfruits are fruits with high levels of antioxidant content. Some of them might be slightly more expensive than traditional fruits, but they’re worth the investment. These special fruits will undoubtedly improve your overall health, and will build new walls in your body.
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15 superfruits every surfer should eat
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