Kamchatka: a place to snowboard and surf on the same day
The Kamchatka Peninsula is one of those places on Earth where you can snowboard and surf on the same day. Russia’s “state of bears and volcanoes” is a 780-mile peninsula located in the country’s far east. With its warm summers and cold winters, it is an adventure destination for those who appreciate actions sports. Three […]

The Kamchatka Peninsula is one of those places on Earth where you can snowboard and surf on the same day. Russia’s “state of bears and volcanoes” is a 780-mile peninsula located in the country’s far east. With its warm summers and cold winters, it is an adventure destination for those who appreciate actions sports. Three local friends – Anton Morozov, Denis Kulyasov, and Aleksey Motorin – live and surf Kamchatka on a regular basis. The spot they prefer to ride has no roads and is isolated from civilization.
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Kamchatka: a place to snowboard and surf on the same day
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