Morey Boogie Land: Tom Morey’s 1980s wave pool vision
Tom Morey is one of the last visionaries of the surfing world. The surfer-engineer not only invented the boogie board, but he also developed a surf pool project that was ahead of his time. Morey wanted to build his first 1.5-square-mile inland “surfatorium/surforium” water park in Hawaii. In a time when there were no smartphones, […]

Tom Morey is one of the last visionaries of the surfing world. The surfer-engineer not only invented the boogie board, but he also developed a surf pool project that was ahead of his time. Morey wanted to build his first 1.5-square-mile inland “surfatorium/surforium” water park in Hawaii. In a time when there were no smartphones, internet, and modern technologies, he imagined the wave pool of our dreams – a sophisticated, yet entertaining structure capable of bringing the joy of wave riding to landlocked territories.
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Morey Boogie Land: Tom Morey’s 1980s wave pool vision
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