The surfboard bag that transforms into a tent
Surfboard travel bags are useful gear items. They protect our surf vehicles from bumps and cracks while on transit. But wait: now, they’ve also become tents. Meet the BoardSwag, the world’s first board featuring an in-built inflatable tent and mattress. “The two-for-one combo is the perfect hotel for you and your quiver,” the creators of […]

Surfboard travel bags are useful gear items. They protect our surf vehicles from bumps and cracks while on transit. But wait: now, they’ve also become tents. Meet the BoardSwag, the world’s first board featuring an in-built inflatable tent and mattress. “The two-for-one combo is the perfect hotel for you and your quiver,” the creators of BoardSwag say in their crowdfunding appeal.
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The surfboard bag that transforms into a tent
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