Tag Archives: ecuador

On a different plane

This weekend, while most of the surf industry’s collective attention was turned toward the Nike Lowers Pro and Billabong XXL Awards,  another group of wave riders quietly gathered. Flying (or sliding, as it were) under the radar, is right where these folks are used to being. Most surfers by now have…

What’s he riding?

The best surfing Lowers has historically been the most progressive, but sometimes when pushing the performance level the experimentation with equipment falls by the wayside. But lately that’s changing as more surfers are opening up their minds to the potential of designs like the Mini Simmons and wider,…

Winter Warriors (sandy teeth)

I will admit this little video rings pretty close to home for me. Last week, Conor Willem, 20, a local shredder here on Long Beach Island, New Jersey and two-time ESA East Coast Mens champ, ran LBI Winter Warriors. Commercial fishermen, busboys, teachers, and carpenters gathered for this grassroots…

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