Tag Archives: king
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What does it mean to be a surfer today?

Now more than ever, surfers have a great responsibility on the shoulders. Here’s what makes a complete, contemporary wave rider. A surfer is someone who practices and enjoys his or her sport at the heart of Nature, surrounded by the elements. But also, surfers are an integral of a society, a local, regional and national […]

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Surf Lakes ready to test the multi-break wave pool

The world’s first multi-break surf park will enter the test mode in October 2018. Surf Lakes within weeks of completing its first full-scale demonstration facility near Yeppoon, on the Capricorn Coast in Queensland, Australia. Although it will not initially be open to the public, it will be the first proper surf park with multiple wave […]

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10 reasons why surfing is a spectator-friendly sport

Surfing attracts thousands of fans to the beach. But how can a water sport captivate more people than many elite football games? The randomness factor that is inherent to the sport is one of the reasons why many of the world’s most famous surf spots and beaches get packed during surf events. Surfing is a […]

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Surfing with breast implants: Pre and post-operative recommendations

Plastic surgery has become a common way of improving self-esteem, contributing to the well being and overall happiness. The practice has been steadily increasing throughout the last decades, both in number and safety of available procedures. Breast augmentation with implants is amongst the most frequent surgeries performed in female patients. Surfing is a challenging sport, […]

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A brief history of artificial wave pools

Wave pool technology is older than you think. The art of producing artificial surf dates back to the Great Depression and has since then changed the way people ride waves. It all started in Europe, but the phenomenon has gone global. Today, you’ll find man-made waves of all types, for all tastes. All you need […]

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Why are surfboards dangerous weapons?

Surfboards are amazing objects of design that blend the emotional need to ride a wave with the rationality behind hydrodynamics. However, they can also be dangerous weapons that hit the most sensitive parts of the body causing lethal and irreversible damages to the human body. It might sound strange, but the only difference between guns […]

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WSL announces inaugural Air Invitational

The World Surf League (WSL) announced the launch of the Air Invitational. The new aerial surfing contest will be held during the 2018 Quiksilver Pro France. Australian aerialist Josh Kerr is taking the role of event director. The Air Invitational will feature the 18 best aerial surfers on the planet and will include pro athletes […]

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Drone foiling is oddly exciting

They say they’re taking foil surfing to new heights. And that is actually true because the footage speaks for itself. Technology is becoming a native part actions sports, and we’re incorporating gadgets in everything we use and ride. Time will tell when we reach our pain point, but it until then it’s game on. Aaron […]

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Smartfin collects ocean data while you surf

A group of scientists created a surfboard fin that measures multiple ocean parameters like wave characteristics, location, and water temperature. The Smartfin project kicked off in San Diego, California, in May 2017, and gathers researchers from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the Surfrider Foundation, and Futures Fins. The small piece of surf gear collects valuable […]

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Have you ever thought of "Surfing With Sartre"?

“Surfing With Sartre” is one of the most clever works blending the sport of riding waves with non-surf related topics. And it could only be written by a professor of philosophy who also happens to be a skilled lifelong surfer. Why? Philosophy is much simpler than we tend to think it is. It’s about exploring […]

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